Van Zoetendaal Publishers

Fruits of Labor / Ruth van Beek & Mariken Wessels

The Ravestijn Gallery is proud to bring together new work by Dutch artists Ruth van Beek and Mariken Wessels. Van Beek’s collages and Wessels’ sculptures and collages enter into a dazzling dialogue, both in their presentation at The Ravestijn Gallery stand #35 in Art Rotterdam 8 – 12 FEBRUARY 2023 , their exhibition at The Ravestijn Gallery in Amsterdam 11 March – 22 April 2023 and in the publication Fruits of Labor.

  • Year 2023
  • Size 16x23 cm
  • Colour FC
  • Binding stitched
  • Pages 32
  • Text Basje Boer & Roberta Petzoldt
  • Concept Van Beek/Wessels/Van Zoetendaal
  • Design Willem van Zoetendaal
  • ISBN 978-90-72532-55-8

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